How To Practice Tennis Alone

Learn how to practice tennis alone and improve your game. This guide covers everything from choosing the right equipment to avoiding common mistakes.
Written by Mark Sampson
Last updated on

When you’re first getting started learning how to play tennis, you need all the practice you can get. However, you may not always have a partner to help you. Fortunately, you can practice tennis all on your own. This article will teach tips and tricks for improving your tennis skills alone. 

  • You can practice tennis alone by practicing your swing, hitting against a wall, working on your serve, and practicing footwork.
  • To improve your skills even more, you should also do cardio exercises, HIIT workouts, and strength training.
  • When practicing alone, you can use tape to mark the wall as an opponent or watch slow-motion videos to improve form.

How to practice tennis alone

Although tennis is a two-person sport, there are many ways you can practice by yourself. Don’t let your lack of a partner stop you from perfecting your game; solo practice can help you improve your skills significantly the next time you face an opponent. 

1. Practice your swing

Practicing your swing is essential if you want to improve your tennis skills, and you don’t need a partner to do so. Start by finding your form with a few shadow swings. 

It can help to watch professional players on TV or an instructional video to help you discover the correct motions. After you get the hang of it, you can incorporate your tennis racket to prepare for a real game. 

2. Hit against the wall 

Hitting against the wall is a classic move for solo tennis practice. A wall is the next best thing when you don’t have another person to hit the ball back and forth. 

Each time you hit the ball, and it connects with the surface, it will bounce back to you. The harder you hit, the faster the wall will return. This can result in an even higher-intensity practice session than if you were to play with another person! 

Practicing tennis on the wall can give you an edge on the competition the next time you make it to the court. The reaction time required to hit the ball back and forth at this speed will make your next real game a breeze. 

3. Work on your serve 

Along with practicing your swing, your serve is one of the most essential aspects of your game. If you make too many mistakes while attempting to serve, you can receive double faults, which gives your opponent a point in each scenario. 

Perfecting your serve is essential for scoring points in a tennis match, but it takes a lot of practice to get there. You can work on your serve all by yourself on the tennis court. Stand in the correct position and serve just like you would if you had an opponent. It may require more running up and down the court after each serve, but your game will significantly improve with consistent practice. 

4. Practice footwork 

Your hits and serves are nothing without proper footwork. The great thing is that this can be practiced on the court, at home, or anywhere else. Doing footwork drills repeatedly can create muscle memory that will help you on the court the next time you face another player. You’ll be glad you practiced on your own when you have to be quick on your feet. 

Fitness training for tennis practice 

Aside from just practicing your motions and form, you will need to be in shape to keep up with your opponent when it comes time for a real tennis game. The following fitness training categories will help you stay in shape and improve your skills even more. 

1. Cardio

During a tennis match, you will constantly run back and forth to hit the ball. To prepare for such high activity levels, you should condition your body by doing cardio. Some of the best exercises and drills for tennis players are jumping jacks, squat jumps, and burpees. It also wouldn’t hurt to run a few laps around the court or sprint back and forth to get your heart rate pumping. 

2. HIIT workouts 

HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts are bursts of intense exercises followed by intermittent periods of lower-intensity movements. This type of workout can help you practice breathing and increase your energy during a game. 

3. Strength training 

Strength training is extremely important for tennis players. You can improve the strength of your hits and serves by doing push-ups and lifting weights. Biceps and legs are great target areas to start with if you want to increase your overall strength. 

Tips for practicing tennis alone 

When practicing tennis alone, there are a few additional tips to keep in mind for the best results. The following pointers will help you sharpen your skills even more during your next solo practice session. 

1. Use tape to mark the wall 

Hitting a tennis ball against the wall can help you improve your speed, strength, and form. However, working on your aim can be difficult when you’re hitting a large surface instead of an actual person. It can help to put a piece of tape on the wall as a marker to serve as your opponent. Try to aim for the tape with each hit to improve the accuracy of your swing. 

2. Watch a slow-motion video 

When you’re just starting out as a tennis player, watching the professionals can help you find the proper form. Try slowing down video footage of tennis players performing the same actions to learn how to swing and serve. Don’t be afraid to pause the video and mirror their movements during your practice session. 

3. Utilize targets on the court

Similar to the “tape on the wall” trick, using targets on the court can help you simulate a real opponent. When you practice the aim of your serves and swings, you can avoid losing points from double-faulting and hitting the ball out of bounds. 

4. Try a ball machine 

If you’re willing to invest, a tennis ball machine can help you practice on the court by repeatedly tossing balls in your direction. Check out these amazing tennis ball machine drills.

5. Simulate a real serve 

When practicing your serve, one of the best things you can do is pretend it’s real. Instead of repeating the same motions quickly, take your time and simulate an actual serve. 


Can you learn tennis alone? 

Just like how you can practice tennis by yourself, it’s possible to learn tennis all on your own. You can perfect your tennis skills by watching professionals, practicing your form, and completing drills with repetition. 

How can a beginner practice tennis? 

As a beginner, you don’t need to purchase any fancy equipment or hire a tennis coach. Instead, you can practice tennis on your own by doing drills and hitting the ball back and forth on the wall. 

Final thoughts 

In summary, it’s more than possible to practice tennis alone. You can practice your swing, serve, and footwork or hit the ball against a wall when you don’t have an opponent to play with. Cardio, HIIT, and strength training workouts are also beneficial when practicing tennis. 

You can work on your aim by marking the wall with tape to simulate an opponent. Ball machines and slow-motion video are just a few things you can leverage to give yourself a competitive edge. 

If you keep practicing with these tips in mind, you will soon see a significant improvement on the tennis court. So, get out there, practice, and continue reading our blog for more ways to perfect your skills!